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Floor Plan for Moving!

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Ever bought a piece of furniture that didn't fit in your home or even up your stairs? A mere inch can make that difference so precise planning is important. It is always important you've got a floor plan before you move. It makes the move more efficient, less stressful and less spontaneous. It also avoids any future back-aches on larger furniture. Measuring your home dimensions isn't the sole factor, many forget to consider their stairways, elevators, door entries (whether it's a bedroom or the main entrance, the two can sometimes differ), windows and even the height to your ceiling for chandeliers and ceiling lights.

Mapping your home and your furniture layout can give you a peace of mind during your move. You can simply hand over your game plan to your moving company, and they'll lay your furniture accordingly. It also helps in buying furniture online [and we all know how much we love doing that].

How and where do I map?

Mapping has never been easier there are hundreds of software/apps that allow you to map your home with absolute ease. Some even render a 3d walkthrough; giving you firsthand experience on how you home will appear once you're set-up.

For example, www.floorplanner.com allows you to map your home with thousands of options for walls, flooring, furniture, windows, and more.

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    - Julie Goulet, Longueil

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