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6 Things to Do Right after Moving

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It always comes as a great relief once your hired movers leave, and you are unpacked. Though, you shouldn't get quite comfortable yet; there are a few more chores you'd need to do before you either forget or get too busy.

1. Pest Control

Personally, I find this to be the most important of all (and in more severe situations preferably a step you'd want to look into before you move). If your home has been sitting empty for a while now before you've moved in, you might experience some pests living amongst you. It's best to get rid of them as soon as you move in so that there isn't enough time for them to cultivate in your furniture. Spray nontoxic products in the basement, around your doors and windows, along baseboards and any crack, split or breach that you'd think a creepy crawler can lay undetected. If you suspect, mice (that goes back to what I said before about doing it before the move) place a few live traps to let them go outside. In the case of a brand new home, you want to make it less desirable for insects and spiders. There are plenty of natural oils out in the market that serve just that purpose, without filling the air with harsh chemicals.

Here is an example to get you started: http://www.amazon.ca/Buzz-750ml-Spider-Repellent-Spray/dp/B00IIOR7NS/ref=sr_1_2/191-1727372-4440437?ie=UTF8&qid=1414437963&sr=8-2&keywords=spider+repellent

2. Run Your Empty Loads

Dishwashers and washing machines are humid, damp and perfect for bacteria build-up. Therefore, make sure as soon as these devices are hooked up, run a quick empty load to kill off any bacteria before you use them. Though the concept is cringe-worthy because these appliances waste so much water, would you rather risk smelly clothes and bacteria infested dishes?

3. Look Over Your Belongings

Its common that after the move a box may be laying in the kitchen for weeks at a time. It makes sense to check all your fragile possessions for damages. It also helps you review your moving company and get what you deserve in terms of insurance. Plug in your TV and all your electric devices to see if they are running smoothly (majority tend to forget electronics can also get damaged in a move)

4. Cover Your Windows

A freshly moved-in home is a thief's paradise; possessions are neatly packed and ready to go, and nothing says this is a new home than uncovered windows. Let's face it curtains are never ready when you move in so hang up some dark sheets.

There are always cheap dark fabrics at a clearance store!

5. Grocery Shop

Pizza is fine for the first day, but you'd want to get some essentials before you go for your normal shopping. This way you can save money [plus it's a healthier choice] and buy yourself some time before you actually have the time [or/and money] to go out for some groceries.

6. Write a Movers Review

Remember give-a-penny, take-a-penny? Well, this is a 21st Century equivalent. Its highly probable that when you were moving, you read reviews by people on moving companies before hiring one. The review system is being rigged by many companies that hire good PR's. However, their numbers are limited and the more customers post reviews, the less effective these PR companies can be, and you'll get real shared experience. So, even if your move was smooth, share your experience let people use your experience to make the right decision.

Tagged in: Just Moved Lists


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    - Therese Dollard, Terrebonne

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